Flux is an architectural pattern used to manage data flow in applications. It was developed by Facebook and is commonly used with React. The core idea behind Flux is to have a unidirectional data flow, meaning that data only flows in one direction, making it easier to understand and debug complex applications.
In the Flux pattern, the application is divided into four main parts:
- Actions: Actions represent the possible events that can occur in the application. They encapsulate the logic of user interactions and send messages to the Dispatcher.
- Dispatcher: The Dispatcher is responsible for distributing actions to all the registered stores. It ensures that actions are processed in the order they are received.
- Stores: Stores hold the application state and business logic. When a store receives an action from the Dispatcher, it updates its state accordingly and emits a change event to notify the views.
- Views: Views are responsible for rendering the user interface and responding to user interactions. They listen to change events emitted by the stores and update themselves as necessary.
By enforcing a unidirectional data flow, Flux helps to maintain a predictable state in the application and makes it easier to reason about how data changes over time. It promotes separation of concerns and provides a clear structure for building scalable and maintainable applications.