Promises are a key concept in JavaScript that are used for handling asynchronous operations. They are objects that represent the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value.
When a promise is created, it is in a pending state. It can then transition to a fulfilled state when the asynchronous operation is successful and a value is available, or to a rejected state when the operation fails or encounters an error.
Promises provide a more structured way of dealing with asynchronous code compared to traditional callback-based approaches. They allow you to chain multiple asynchronous operations together, making the code easier to read and maintain.
The Promise object in JavaScript has several methods available, such as then()
and catch()
, which allow you to handle the fulfillment or rejection of the promise. These methods can be used in a chain to perform sequential operations and handle errors in a more elegant way.
Overall, promises help improve the readability and maintainability of asynchronous code by providing a standard pattern for handling asynchronous operations and managing their outcomes.