
Streams are a fundamental concept in computer science and programming. They represent a sequence of data elements made available over time. Instead of processing a large data set all at once, streams allow for the processing of data in smaller chunks, or as they become available.

Streams are commonly used for handling large amounts of data, such as reading and writing files, network communication, and database queries. They provide a way to efficiently process data without loading it all into memory at once, which can be especially useful when dealing with limited resources or when working with data that is continuously arriving.

Streams can be unidirectional (i.e., read-only or write-only) or bidirectional (i.e., both reading and writing). They can also be synchronous or asynchronous, depending on the manner in which data is transferred and processed.

Ultimately, using streams enables developers to improve the efficiency and performance of their applications by enabling the processing of large data sets or continuous data in a more optimized and manageable manner.